Your Reviews

Welcome to our audience review page. This is not a Press page, but is dedicated to passing along comments from audience members who have been in touch after seeing our productions:-) We always love hearing from you, so keep it coming and thanks for your feedback! Feel free to comment on our blog, or email your thoughts to

Audience reviews, SpectreTown, 2015

Coming soon!

Audience reviews, The Idiot at the Wall, 2012-13

"I am so very glad that I have seen the play.. it was such a powerful indeed moving work, and had a depth and power to which the the music added that other world dimension which dramatically increases the atmosphere. I'd have loved to see it again and maybe one day I shall."
 Margaret Edith Beverage, New Deer

"Quick note to Elspeth to say I caught The Idiot at Eden Court a few weeks back and was blown away.  I connected on so many levels and was absolutely entranced.  Would see it every night for a week if I could to soak it all up. "
Erin Stewart, Seattle, USA

'Just a few lines to say how very much my wife and I enjoyed your play when we saw it in the Aros Centre, Portree, on 17th September. Congratulations on the creation of this superb work of art. The music too was a joy, as were all the performances.Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the production to this part of the world. Got a feeling The Idiot at the Wall will be talked about for years to come - in due course to enter legend in its own right - as it should." 
Neil Campbell , Isle of Skye

‘Saw ‘The Idiot at the Wall’ last night. Really powerful performances. If you’re north of Glasgow this next wee while, get yourself to it. Still have a lump in my throat’
 Libby  A McGugan, Glasgow

‘Brilliant performance last night – just everything about it – music, language, lighting, set, and of course acting; if this is Elspeth Turner’s first play I look forward to her next. Please bring them back to Mull.’
Celia, Isle of Mull

1 comment:

  1. I saw 'The Idiot at the Wall' while on holiday on the Isle of Mull. Powerful performances and haunting music - the memory stays with me still and I only wish I could see it again, and again ....
